The most powerful thing in the world, is the thing given to us by God himself, and it is the one thing that can lift us higher than the skies, and at the same time, destroys more things than a nuclear bomb has ever been capable of
One of the smaller members of the human body that can give us a sense of peace, fire of rage, or expression of joy and love.
The things that can range from one to plenty and could possibly mean the same thing
The giver of life, or the destroyer of life, the peace in the air, or the heartache despaired, the emotions in the songs we sing.
These things are words, and either written or spoken, the one thing that scares me, and the same thing that i have so many of that i have placed on mute
Afraid to express it, with the fear of being tested, because most of these words talk about the things i have gone through
Me writing this stuff is good for me, but what about those that need to hear this stuff; there may be someone at the edge of their peek
So I ask my father in Heaven to remove this fear of opening my mouth, for the sake of lifting others, would you please teach me to speak.....
For the longest time, i have been in Moses zone, making excuses why i should not open my mouth
People are being trapped in their little box, and are afraid to let themselves out.
Appearing to be strong, and they are only expressing a lie, and deep inside, they are actually weak
So I come to you in the name of Jesus, Lord please teach me to speak
So what if i have no one on my side as i express the truth,and/or opinions that reside in my heart
If i bomb the first time, so frig'n what, somewhere i have to start
Whether on a stage the size of a dog house, or in the middle of the street
Lord I am asking you for the desire of my heart, open my mouth, and please teach me to speak
There are women in my heart that stay on my mind that have been physically and mentally raped, physically, and verbally abused by these BITCH MADE NOTHING ASS NIGGAS
My dudes are angry and lost, dead men walking, because we had no liable father figure
it is time that they are able to put all that stuff down, give it all to you, and stand tall to their feet....
sometimes i feel like their only hope, but i need you Lord to teach me to speak
oh yea, i can make you laugh and stuff just to make you stop thinking about some things for a certain period of time
But that stuff always seem to come back, because it is still in their hearts, and WE are always looking for a sign
We have to fight Satan and ourselves, and it always seem that neither one of them can be beat
But only if I could just speak a word from you, and with that, Lord i need you to teach me to speak
The one thing that challenges me, are the thoughts of everything that i have inside, and all that i have written just be blown
I do not want to die with journals full of words, and be placed on a world stage, with salutation saying " Author unknown"
I only need a word from you God, so Father speak to my heart, allow me to decrease as you increase
And for the sake of those that need a word from you, I only need you to teach me to speak.....