Wednesday, November 20, 2013

You are Music...............

I see you this time around, like I never have before//
This peace about you turns me on more, and more, and more//
 Unlike before,
there was this distance that pushed me closer to the shore//
That I was sssoooo unable to ignore//
But now I see you, this time around, making me want to cradle you//
I was told I had this ability to unintentionally disable you//
Is that true?//
Well not this time, my heart will be more cognitive, cautiously making a point NOT to control you// Because, I need YOU,
 to move me//
You have a permanent spot in my soul, that is always able to soothe me//
 Not even my Lady has learned the main ingredient of how you do me//
 You are my wife, which is what my girlfriend told me//
You are music, and when you are on the radio, or my playlist, you do as much to me as poetry.... “Xpressurself”