Saturday, November 30, 2013

I Write.........

I write.....

I write for the sake of getting the word out
speaking my mind.
it is funny i always get sleepy when
i get ready to write about Christ.
and sometimes i give in, but sometimes
i don't
sometimes i know i just have to fight threw it
but sometimes i just wont

i write for the sake of my
full figured potential
I love my sister big boned, for their heart
to me is more intentional
ask her for a dollar, and
if she don't have it, she'll get it
let her know you hungry,
she will hot skip to the kitchen

i write for what i use to
call my situation
I now know that God sent her to save me
becoming more of an inspiration
My hope for the future
standing willing to wait
Not waiting for me,
but for God to call her my mate

i write for the boys and girls
that know not about Jesus Christ
for the men and women
that just do not YET have it right
being a messenger, a vessel,
a glass of water
grasping the message, getting it out
holding it in at bay, telling it as it was spoken by MY FATHER

I write because i just love to
more than reading a book
sometimes it makes sense only to me
but, as long as others take a look
i dare not keep the truth to myself,
it is suppose to passed along
so i will pass it to anyone that wishes to
receive it, from the old on to the young

i write for the sake of love,
love has been the very thing,
that came from above
spreading down on each of us
in hopes that we will all see
Love has loved me more than anyone or anything else,
so for that, i love love, for love has been so good to me