Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Mental Corruption *** re-do this one***

4 Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

We stand on trial daily.

Mainly by our own self hatred and self doubt.

We fight Satan and ourselves, causing our own destruction

to each and every path that's been laid out.

building cardboard boxes around us, cutting holes in the middle 

of them so you are able to see out;

but unable to let ourselves out.

singing and dancing to the orchestra

of complacency.

aimlessly standing on the cornerstone

of ignorant transparency.

Looking and searching for answers of who

we were made to be.

We often find ourselves running in place

In the same place that was built by God in which HE

Strategically placed us from the beginning.

HE has given us all the tools that we needed to

Free ourselves from being boxed up.

But we have become so comfortable with being

In the stagnancy  of our own minds, that when

It is time for us to just stand up in the kiddy pool, that we

Just drown….. and die.

becoming so corrupt that we have

Not realized the origin.

When will we start paying attention.

We are impatient, and mean to each other

treating others like crap.

We give praise to things against the Word of GOD

and in HIS face, we  give God himself a slap.

But if only we would come to the realization

that we are so much better than what we think of ourselves.

Our evil thoughts, and desires are not

God's plan was for us, and we ate allowing society to send us to hell

i cannot answer for you.

i cannot say anything about the things

that make you do what you do

But as for me...... and my house

my mind and my heart will

no longer be Satan's playground.

But I will be sure to be so

careful to praise and worship the Lord...


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

"Who Sexy"

It’s the new sexy, uninhibited,
not necessarily the sexy you visualize about every day
But, it’s the sexy that you talk about daily that you desire,
 when you talk to God as you pray
This big booty expedition, slim waist,
with the mosquito bite breast infestation is running fast on an incline
Book smart divine,
 but common sense just don’t shine
Look out for those that get the most compliments,
they are mostly uncertain and anxious
They lack confidence and assuredness,
and time awaits all that to vanquish
WHO told you what beauty was?
Who told you what was sexy?
Who told you that you needed to look a certain way?
Did someone speak to you directly?
How did it work out in that conversation?
Were you able to speak the whole way through?
Oh, and this is not only for the women,
I am referring to the men too.
You are looking for a “person” the fears God,
as well as stands firm on the HIS word.
Well, I am standing in the middle of Genesis 3:3-6……….
 yea, this is certainly why your vision is so blurred
If you want sexy, take my hand,
allow life to be spoken in our midst
I will speak life into you, as you speak life into me,
through each other we shall coexist
Where you are weak, I shall be strong,
worrying ONLY about what OUR eyes seek
Being only our own true desire,
customizing our fate into whatever reality we may speak
OH GOD that is sexy to me…. 
Give me the sister big drawers
Big booty or flat
Slim waist, or skin and bones
Skin clean and clear, of full of tats.
Just because you are slim
Does not mean  healthy
Just like just because us men floss
Does not mean we are wealthy
To hell with what you look like.
Most times the real you Awaits to be seen
STRIP off the make-up, and the fitted jeans,
wearing those heals, although that walk is mean,
And the real you shows up on the scene.
The new sexy has their own mind
Doing exactly what feels right
The words of society shall have no might…
the new sexy, uninhibited,
not necessarily the sexy you visualize about every day
But, it’s the sexy that you talk about daily that you desire,
 when you talk to God as you pray

Friday, May 8, 2015


 For whatever part in time, (of God), HE destined
me for a particular fate or purpose
Not even sure what the purpose is.
Not even sure if that purpose fits what fate I
have laid for myself.
I do not know that I want
To be a part of it.
As if I have any
Say about it.
When I was at a certain age,
I was reborn. I was placed in a place
That I actually asked to be.
 I just did not know
I would have the opportunity to actually be.
That moment that my mouth opened,
My faith was put to work
I was tested and challenged and
Almost went berserk.
I paved this path for me to
Move accordingly through
But, though I continued making mistake after
Mistake, what was I suppose to do.
 God helped me out a bit, and made me
stand still and firm
That same spot where I made my original
Petition, I kept circling it, and each thing that I learned
It would be planted where I sowed my seed
Making roots after roots after my growth was complete
So pain after pain, vine after vine, out of the dirt
Came my strength, knowledge and wisdom
God planted me by the river, with HIS
Divine predestined vision.