Tuesday, December 15, 2015

"How should I be?" (Restart)

How am I supposed to be me when being me makes so many others uncomfortable
It’s not like I am destructible, or corrupt
It is not like I can just tell everyone to adjust.
I stay to myself a lot of the time, mainly just because
I know my mind is so big and open to whatever is
Out there
God made me so no one could be like me, and I am not the type
To sit closed minded and in a box, I don’t think that’s unfair.
I am a visual individual, must be a mental aboriginal
I think I have been here before,
My realistic imagination is formidable
Maybe it is because I believe in the possibilities
Just like, I believe It is possible for man to dwell together, in reality
I believe that people do not always have to want and want and want
I believe Cops will lay down egos, and stop killing while being so nonchalant
There is the possibility that I am able to be me, without being judged for not wanting to be like you
I can speak as I want to speak, and write what I want to write, boldly about what I believe to be the truth
I believe in the possibilities that my past will be accepted
There is this possibility that my upcoming failures will not always be expected
It is possible that a husband and wife’s stereotype will be a marriage of at least 20 plus years
I believe the status of Christ will no longer be black or white, but be what he is, which is God that walked down here
Like I said, my mind is full of hope, and maybe one day my words spoken soon will be life existing
And though life is twisting us around, maybe everyone will come around to be as GOD mentally coexisting
Yea, I know… it was a good thought though.
And I believe that possibilities are endless, and maybe me speaking more will lead more to do right
Because I know he strengthens me, I can do all things through Christ……
The one described in the Bible….
Isaiah 53:2
2              For he grew up before him like a young plant,
and like a root out of dry ground;
he had no form or majesty that we should look at him,
and no beauty that we should desire him.

Revelation 1:13–15
13 and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band. 14 His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire; 15 His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters;

I can do all things through this guy………..
Which I believe to be the truth……

Friday, December 11, 2015

<<<<<*****I Need to Tell Them (a child's story)*****>>>>>

I just want to say to them, I am sorry
I just have an impulse, and I just did not think it would be that serious
I thought it ok for someone my age to be inquisitive and curious
I have been told, “get your lil bad nosey ass away from there and have a seat”
I have been told “ go sit your MF’ing ass back at table and finish what I gave you to eat”
I saw some matches on the floor, right next to the couch
Yes, I have been told “ if you touch them again, I am kicking your ass, put them back down… NOW.
Each time I would stop, right when it was stated
Each time I would get punched in the face
4 years of life can be pretty cold
But, look at all the games I would receive when I turned 5 years old
3 days after my birthday, I had the best time of my life
I was playing with my video games it was my cousin and I
I was winning, and he was trying to catch up me
HA…. Now that is something that I would love to see
In my cousin trying to win, he broke the handle to the joystick
And it was not him, but me who got hit
I have been told “you need to protect and watch your own shit,
Because ain’t nobody else gonna do it”
But I guess this day, was already a bad day
All I wanted to do was stay out of their way and play
I never thought I would be in this place, no not by far
I was awakened on this machine that was helping me breath, in this small room in the ER
I really do not try be bad or in the way, I am greatful for what they do for me
So, Mr. policeman, and Ms. Nurse lady, yes there is something else I want to say,
I just want to say to my mommy and daddy, say to them, I am sorry.