Thursday, September 27, 2012

"REPROACH" ( 1Timothy 4)

There is this Spirit that has the ability to pass through without even allowing his presence to be known.
it has been fortold that we would take in this spirit and make it our own
it would force us to pay more attention to seduction and we would speak the doctrines of hell
through the hypocrisy of men, we would speak lies, and against the Bible we would be forced to rebel
Our conscience would be branded as if it was pressed with a hot iron
marriages would become broken, as well as forbidden the way God first planned, and same sex marriages would soon be desired
Instead of being thankful for the foods God granted us, we would abstain from eating what God himself said was good.
for who am i to blasphemy against what God has set aside for me, i wish to hell I would.
For all these things have been sanctified through the word of God; now we make this statement greater
The truth can once again be exposed, through the faith in prayer
bodily excercise is of some value, but Godliness has value in all things
For he has given us the promise of life which is existing now, including all this life has to bring
through Christ Jesus.
This is stated with faith and with all acceptance through the Book of Life
for to this end, we will all labor and suffer reproach as was done with Christ.
as believers we should teach these things, and command these things be done
teach and command these things, for in the kingdom of God, we are one
Just pay attention to your teachings, make sure your teachings of the doctrine are sound
We are all responsible for what comes from our mouths, and on lookers are all around
We should all be diligent in these things, giving ourselves wholly to all that seek
everyone that is near and far will pay close attention to our actions and to all the words we speak....