My truck has been out of sink for a while,
and I am having to catch rides back and forth
and they are coming way from the south of town
just to come and get me on the north
now my initial thought was to not even tell
anyone, that I needed help at all
But, when I do that, it raises more of
An issue, if I do not make certain calls
So as my commute would come, although
I never actually asked for the help
But the refusal would not make too much sense
But as the days grew by, though I was doing all I could
I still could sense a bit of their tiredness
Out of love, through the kindness of their hearts,
Back and forth to and from work, back to where I stay
I KNOW the commute is a lot on them, so I decided
I wanted to do something different,
To keep them from coming so far out of their way
I am going to ride the bus today
It has been over 20 years, but hey
I felt some kind of way
I saw people of all forms of light,
All were beautiful in God’s sight
But in mine eyes, not all of them were totally right
I would get on the bus and take my seat
And of course, several guys already had me beat
So eventually it would get full, and I would kindly give the
Working ladies my seat
But there should be no reason ladies over 50 should be
Standing on their feet
Guys my age would look out of the window as if they do not
Just to be outdone by men over the age 70
Acts of kindness cost nothing, and is nothing to me
Imagine if God was a jerk, and chose to be lazy towards me
I would still be standing in the midst of my tears of where
life placed me
So you see…. I am glad… I am glad I rode the bus today
There were homeless people on the bus that were
Homeless from life itself
Nothing they did wrong, but was dealt a bad hand
And are now needing a little help
There was the psychotic, the ghetto, the rich, and some poor
Some were just Vagrant, searching for an understanding of
When it seems, life has just given them no more
This guy got on the bus, and you could tell he had cash
He was black, and dressed like a normal ole Joe that still
had his hood pass
My humility is based on how I treat people and my bus ride
brought me back
To where I use to be, knowing that all people are not just
one way
I rode the bus today,
and I am glad I did, NO, I am glad God
and I am glad I did, NO, I am glad God
Orchestrated it that way